As a provider of internet services and the holder of a large quantity of customer information, we are very serious about security issues, privacy, online safety, and we recognise the importance of community outreach.
Webafrica is committed to reporting and addressing security issues through a coordinated and constructive approach which is designed to give the greatest protection for our customers. Whether you’re a Webafrican staff member or customer, a software developer, or just a security conscious member of the online community, you are an important contributor to this process.
You may contact the Webafrica Security Team by sending email to [email protected] under the following circumstances:
Once we have received a vulnerability report, Webafrica will take the following steps to address the issue:
Release notes will include a reference to the person/people who reported the vulnerability, unless the reporter(s) would prefer to stay anonymous.
Webafrica will endeavor to keep the reporter informed of every step in this process as it occurs.
Webafrica appreciates the efforts of security researchers and discoverers who share information on security issues with us. These reporters allow us the opportunity to improve our products and services, and better protect our customers. Thank you for working with us through the above process.
The [email protected] address is intended ONLY for the purposes of reporting product or service security vulnerabilities. It is not intended for technical support, sales, or any other communication.
All aspects of this process are subject to change without notice, and to case-by-case exceptions.